The world’s first symbol of all “human samenesses” (see below), the Companion Flag is flown directly below the other flags of the world—flags of nations, states, provinces, universities, businesses, and all other communities and affiliations—on the same pole, never alone. The idea? To model and proclaim publicly—for ourselves, but mainly for our children and all future generations—that while we are proud of our differences, diversity, and special affiliations, we are also mindful of our essential humanity and all that we share in common with people everywhere.
To see ourselves and others this way is to clear a space in our daily lives for increased compassionate regard for the other and deeper self-understanding and self-compassion.
“Human samenesses” refers to any and all human characteristics, experiences, concerns, desires, beliefs, or susceptibilities that are shared by all people everywhere, their human differences notwithstanding.
[Examples: the love of children • the desire for health and knowledge • concern for the safety and happiness of loved ones • susceptibility to pain and pleasure, illness and injury • the need for food, water, and air • the processes of birth, aging, and death • the love of stories, music, and dance • our reliance on rational thinking and symbolic communication • the desire to be accepted by others and be seen as a complete and worthwhile human being • the desire to feel safe and at home in the world.]